Sunday, May 16, 2010

How to keep a rose bouquet fresh?

change the water often and cut back the ends of the stems by 1/8" to1/4" (make sure they are cut at an angle)

How to keep a rose bouquet fresh?
Aspirin in the water helps keep cut roses fresh.
Reply:Cut the stems under water and place immediately in vase of water. Change the water daily and remove all leaves below the water line. Recut the stems (under water) about 1/2 " daily when you change the water. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight.
Reply:This will sound even more ridiculous than the previous not so ridiculous answer. Cut 1/2" (half inch) off all stems, dip in boiling hot water for 30 seconds ONLY, place in water containing any cut-flower food. PS The boiling water kills the bacteria that clog the stem cells and prevent water take-up. Aspirin or TINY amounts of bleach, also kill bacteria keeping stem cells clear.
Reply:besides all of the above salicil is also commonly used by florists to keep flowers fresh. It is a substance that is also used for putting in jams to make it stay good longer.
Reply:This is gonna sound really ridiculous......but try putting two or three drops of bleach and a teaspoon of sugar in a gallon of water. Mix it really well and make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Also, make sure that the stems are all cut at an angle. If you cut the dead part off the bottom of the stem once per day, that will keep the water flowing to your flowers too!

Good Luck!

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