Friday, November 18, 2011

How do I take care of my flower bouquet?

I just received a lovely assortment of flowers and grasses in a small pot, made of roses and sunflowers. Being a complete newbie at gardening, I really need some detailed steps to keeping them fresh and pretty and alive for a long time. :) Things like how much water to give them, frequency of watering the flowers, and any extra stuff to put into the soil/other steps to follow etc, would be greatly appreciated? Thanks!

How do I take care of my flower bouquet?
you likely will need to put into a bigger pot as the larger plants grow, adding some new soil that will give the plants new nutrients, will likely won't need to worry to much about fertilizer if your adding some new soil at times, just check to see if the soil is moist at all times, the larger plants will use up more water than the grass.

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